A draw is a golf shot that bends delicately from option to left (for a right-handed player). With the driver, hitting a draw can generate extra distance because the ball has not so much backspin but rather more roll when it hits the ground than a tee shot hit splendidly straight. With iron shots, a draw is helpful when the pin is on the far left half of the green. You can start the shot safely toward the center of the green and bend it toward the target.
Rotate your hands clockwise on the grasp until you can see three knuckles of the left hand when you look down at the hold from your address position.
Aim right of your target with your feet, hips and shoulders yet with the clubface square to the target line.
Swing along the line of your feet. Your arrangement will adequately elevate an inside-to-outside swing path. Attempt a procedure Masters champion Fuzzy Zoeller uses to advance a draw - set your hands marginally lower at address. With this swing path, at impact the clubface ought to be in a shut position in comparison to your swing path.
Allow your correct forearm to rotate naturally over your left through impact to put the option to-left turn on the ball. Jack Nicklaus visualizes the toe of the club moving somewhat ahead of the heel as it passes through the impact zone, shutting the clubface and imparting the draw turn.