Many golf players endeavor to hit a draw shot with the driver. For a right-handed player, this means the ball bends moderately from option to left. The draw is the favored shot off the tee, because it adds distance to your drives. Learning to hit a controlled draw off the tee also encourages you have a superior chance of hitting the fairway on option to-left dogleg openings.
Utilize a Strong Grip
In the event that you look down at your hands when you hold the club, you will see the forefinger and thumb of each hand have framed an unpleasant "V" shape. Turn the Vs a piece to one side and you have what educators call a solid hold. This grasp makes it easier for you to bend the ball from option to left. Investigation with exactly how far you want to turn your hands to create the delicate draw you are searching for and not cause a "snap snare" that goes excessively far left of target.
Aim Your Feet Right of Target
At address, align your feet and shoulders so they are highlighted the privilege of your planned target. Aim the club face legitimately at your target- - a shut club face position. The ball should start out heading off to one side and then turn around left so it winds up exactly on target. A few golf players trust it is easier to hit a draw on the off chance that they drop the correct shoulder marginally at address, creating a greater amount of an upward shoulder angle.
Make a More Rounded Swing
Draw an imaginary line that shows where your shoulders and feet are pointing at address. On the takeaway, the club moves inside this line. Coming at the ball from an inside position elevates the option to-left ball flight. Try not to get the club. Take it back low. Imagine your swing with the driver to be more adjusted or less upstanding than you would use with your iron shots.
Visualize the Correct Club Position
In his book "My Golden Lessons," Jack Nicklaus says it assists with having a mental image of the toe of the club pushing forward of the heel through the impact zone and pushing farther forward as the finish proceeds. This is the marginally shut club head position you have to execute a draw.
The Forearm Roll
When hitting a draw, as you near the impact zone the left forearm rotates or moves under. The rotation shuts the club face and creates the option to-left flight path of the ball. In "Breaking 100, 90, 80," educator Janet Coles proposes wearing a wristwatch with the face went to within your left wrist. In the event that you rotate your left forearm appropriately through impact, the watch face will be noticeable on your finish. Make sure your grasp pressure isn't excessively close. You want your hands to release through the ball. In the event that they don't, the ball may start out setting off to one side and prop up right.